Developer information



Build and Test

Before running the Python unittest, rebuild the c++ code if it was updated. One can do either

$ pip install -e . -v


$ python build_ext --with-tests --inplace

Then, run the both C++ and Python unittests:

$ python test

To only run the Python unittest:

$ python -m pytest extra_foam -v -s

To build and run the c++ unittest only (we use GoogleTest):

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -DBUILD_FOAM_TESTS .. && make ftest

To run the Python benchmark:

$ python benchmark

Release EXtra-foam

  • Update the changeLog;
  • Update the version number in extra_foam/;
  • Merge the above change into the dev branch;
  • Merge the dev branch into the master branch;
  • Tag the master branch;
  • Create a new branch from the new master branch and update the version number in extra_foam/ For example, if the latest release version is “0.8.0”, the new version number should be “0.8.1dev”, supposing the next release is 0.8.1. Also, the name of the new branch should be “0.8.1dev”;
  • Merge the new branch into the dev branch;

Deployment on EuXFEL Anaconda Environment

EXtra-foam deployment on exfel anaconda environments should be done using xsoft account. Use the following anaconda environments to deploy particular versions of EXtra-foam

Version Deployment environment
Latest EXtra-foam/beta
Stable EXtra-foam
Test EXtra-foam/alpha
$ ssh
$ cd workspace
$ git clone --recursive --branch <tag_name> EXtra-foam-<tag_name>
$ cd EXtra-foam-<tag_name>
$ module load exfel <environment_name>
$ which pip
$ pip install . -v


ssh to the Maxwell and online cluster with your own account, respectively, and launch EXtra-foam there to double check the deployed version.