Getting started

Choose the correct version

EXtra-foam can be started on both online and Maxwell clusters. Currently, there are two versions of EXtra-foam deployed. Please always consult your contact person if you are not sure which version to use.

I. Latest version

This is the latest release of EXtra-foam. This version usually contains more features than the stable version.

module load exfel EXtra-foam/beta

More info on command line arguments can be obtained as

[user@exflonc12 ~]$ extra-foam --help

 usage: extra-foam [-h] [-V] [--debug] [--redis_address REDIS_ADDRESS]

 positional arguments:
                         detector name (case insensitive)
                         Name of the instrument

 optional arguments:
   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
   -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
   --n_modules N_MODULES
                         Number of detector modules. It is only available for
                         using single-module detectors like JungFrau in a
                         combined way. Not all single-module detectors are
   --debug               Run in debug mode
   --pipeline_slow_policy {0,1}
                         Pipeline policy when the processing rate is slower
                         than the arrival rate (0 for always process the latest
                         data and 1 for wait until processing of the current
                         data finishes)
   --redis_address REDIS_ADDRESS
                         Address of the Redis server

For more details about detector modules, please refer to Geometry.


It sometime takes more than a minute to start EXtra-foam for the first time! This is actually an issue related to the infrastructure and not because EXtra-foam is slow.


If you are connecting to the online or Maxwell clusters via SSH, you will need to enable X11 forwarding by including the -X option.


In order to have a better experience with EXtra-foam on the Maxwell cluster, you should need FastX2 at max-display. There is also a link for downloading the desktop client on the bottom-right corner when you opened max-display and logged in. For more details, please refer to the official website for FastX2 at DESY.

II. Stable version

To start the stable version on online or Maxwell clusters:

module load exfel EXtra-foam

III. Test version

To start the test version on online or Maxwell clusters:

module load exfel EXtra-foam/alpha


test version is not covered by OCD!

Data analysis in real time

For real-time data analysis, the (calibrated) data is streamed via a Karabo bridge, which is a Karabo device (TrainMatcher) running inside the control network.



Please check the online-clusters available for users at different instruments.


If you are an external user coming to XFEL, EXtra-foam should already have been all setup with all the relevant hostnames/ports. If you are an instrument scientist who wants to know where the Karabo bridges are, please get in touch your local DA contact (or email

Data analysis with files

See Stream data from files