Stream data from files


File streamer

EXtra-foam can be used to replay experiments with stored files. To start, click on the File stream icon on the tool bar to opens the following window:


Alternatively, one can type


in another terminal to open the above window. This is the recommended way since the streamer and the EXtra-foam instance are decoupled. This is also useful for development since one does not have to set up the streamer again when restarting EXtra-foam.

Input Description
Load run Click to select a run folder. The run folder can also be specified via entering the full path.
Port The TCP port from which the data is streamed. If the GUI is not opened from the terminal, the Port is displayed as ‘*’ and internally it is the same as the port specified in the Data source panel in the main GUI.
Stream once Press to stream the data in the run folder once.
Stream repeatedly Press to stream the data in the run folder repeatedly. If the stream reaches the end of the data, the stream will restart from the beginning with a faked train ID, which ensures that the train ID continuously increases in the new cycle. This feature is only useful for developers.
Stop stream Press to stop streaming.

Stream mode:

  • Normal:

    Sources in a train are streamed together.

  • Random shuffle:

    Sources in a train are streamed one by one and the order is random.

First train ID Slide to change the first train ID to stream.
Last train ID Slide to change the last train ID to stream.
Stride Train ID stride used to slice trains to stream.


If the specified run folder has a path structure as on Maxwell GPFS (…/proc/runnumber/). The loader will try to load the data (e.g. control data) other than the detector data from …/raw/runnumber/ first and fall back to …/proc/runnumber/ if …/raw/runnumber/ is not a valid run directory. This is needed for large multi-module detectors, as the folder …/proc/runnumber/ only stores the calibrated detector data.

Sample run directories


Streaming files from the online cluster is pretty fast. However, it is sometimes unbearable to stream a large run from the Maxwell cluster. For development, it is recommended to copy a few files in a run to a local directory.

  Run directory Description
AGIPD /gpfs/exfel/exp/SPB/201831/p900039/proc/r0273 ring; 176 pulses
LPD /gpfs/exfel/exp/FXE/201802/p002218/raw/r0229 ring, 100 pulses
/gpfs/exfel/exp/FXE/201802/p002218/proc/r0229 ring, 100 pulses
DSSC /gpfs/exfel/exp/SCS/201901/p002212/raw/r0061 pump-probe; 70 pulses
/gpfs/exfel/exp/SCS/201901/p002212/raw/r0059 pump-probe (dark of r0061)
/gpfs/exfel/exp/SCS/201901/p002161/raw/r0093 tr-XAS, single module, 50 pulses
/gpfs/exfel/exp/SCS/201901/p002161/raw/r0095 tr-XAS (dark of r0093)
JungFrau /gpfs/exfel/exp/FXE/201930/p900063/proc/r1051 pump-probe
/gpfs/exfel/exp/FXE/201930/p900063/raw/r1051 pump-probe
/gpfs/exfel/exp/SPB/201922/p002566/proc/r0061 Burst mode; ring; 6 modules
FastCCD /gpfs/exfel/exp/SCS/201802/p002170/proc/r0141  
Gotthard /gpfs/exfel/exp/MID/201931/p900090/raw/r0395 Test data
/gpfs/exfel/exp/MID/201931/p900090/raw/r0300 Test data (dark)
/gpfs/exfel/exp/SCS/201931/p900094/raw/r0647 pump-probe
XAS-TIM /gpfs/exfel/exp/SCS/201931/p900094/raw/r0491 XMCD, 42 pulses/train, APD stride = 1